
California May Reverse Carbon Credit Provision which Encourages Clearcutting. Press Release,Center for Biological Diversity, February 12, 2010. "In response to a formal legal letter filed by the Center for Biological Diversity, the California Air Resources Board has proposed to withdraw its adoption of a 'Forest Project Protocol' that would have allowed logging companies to earn valuable carbon credits for clearcutting projects [planting monoculture wood lots in place of forests] and other destructive practices. At its February 25 meeting, the Board will consider reversing its adoption of the protocol pending a legally required review of environmental impacts to forests and the climate... In September 2009, the Air Resources Board adopted an updated version of the protocol that would grant carbon credits to damaging forest-management projects. The Board's adoption of the protocol as a methodology for carbon accounting was the first step toward allowing forest landowners to accumulate credits for the CO2 stored in trees and forest products. Polluters would have been able to buy those credits instead of reducing their own greenhouse gas emissions under AB 32, California's global warming law, or other laws requiring mitigation of climate change impacts. In November, the Center for Biological Diversity filed a formal letter demanding that the Board rescind its adoption of the protocol."

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