
Enviro Groups Target Sens Lincoln, Murkowski on Bid to Block EPA. By Anne C. Mulkern, Greenwire, February 13, 2010. "Environmentalists plan to erect a billboard targeting Arkansas Democrat Blanche Lincoln for her support of Sen. Lisa Murkowski's effort to block U.S. EPA from regulating greenhouse gas emissions. Friends of the Earth and CREDO Action plan to erect a billboard in Little Rock saying Lincoln wants to gut the Clean Air Act. The activist groups are asking people to vote on the content of the 14-by-48-foot billboard, which the groups say will be seen by more than 50,000 Arkansans each day. Lincoln is one of three moderate Democrats who have backed Alaska Republican Murkowski's resolution, along with Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, in addition to 38 Republican co-sponsors, according to Murkowski's office. The resolution would require 51 votes to clear the chamber.

"'Senator Lincoln has blatantly ignored Arkansans' health and welfare in doing corporate polluters' bidding and trying to roll back the Clean Air Act,' said Friends of the Earth President Erich Pica. 'This billboard will help hold her accountable.' Lincoln spokeswoman Katie Laning Niebaum denounced the planned billboard. 'These intentionally deceptive ads lead people to believe that Senator Lincoln's efforts would interfere with the enforcement of the Clean Air Act, which is not accurate,' Niebaum said. 'The Murkowski resolution maintains the Clean Air Act by preventing the EPA from moving forward with over-reaching regulations, beyond the intent of Congress, which could damage Arkansas's small business economy'... Environmentalists, meanwhile, continue to hammer Murkowski, launching a Web site called PolluterHarmony.com, a take-off on matchmaking site eHarmony.com."

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