
French Nuclear Giant Buys Californian Solar Startup. By Michael Burnham, Greenwire, February 9, 2010. "The French energy company Arevais buying Ausra, a California solar-power startup backed by high-profile venture capitalists. Perhaps best known for its nuclear power plants, Paris-based Areva has branched out in recent years into designing and building wind farms and biomass power plants. The Ausra acquisition, which is slated to close in the next few months, would form the backbone of Areva's new solar electricity business. The companies did not disclose financial terms of the deal. Mountain View, Calif.-based Ausra makes and sells concentrated solar power systems that use curved mirrors to focus sunlight onto water-filled tubes to produce steam for electric utilities and industrial customers. Areva plans to build -- but not necessarily own and operate -- power plants using the solar-thermal technology... Areva is also looking to gain a foothold in the U.S. wind and biomass power sectors."

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