Poland Continues Aggressive Expansion of Wind Power. By Patryk Wasilewski, Reuters, February 8, 2010. "Poland will add 200-300 megawatts of wind power in 2010, roughly the same as 275 megawatts added last year... The total installed power out of wind-farms reached 724 megawatts at end-2009. 'Acceleration in the process of building the farms depends on whether conditions for such investments improve,' said Jacek Tukaj, a specialist at Polish Wind Energy Association. Tukaj added the main stumbling blocks for faster development of the wind-based clean energy include poor state of the national power grid and unclear environment regulations delaying investment decisions. Poland's economy ministry estimates renewable energy sources will generate 9.1% of the country's usage by end-2010. At present, renewables account for some 7% of Polish power production. Poland depends in over 90% on highly-polluting coal to generate its energy, but vows to get over 15% out of renewable sources by 2020."

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