
Sarah Palin: 'Climate Change is a Bunch of Snake Oil Science'. By Judy Lin, AP, February 8, 2010. "Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin called studies supporting global climate change a 'bunch of snake oil science' Monday during a rare appearance in California, a state that has been at the forefront of environmental regulations. Palin spoke before the Sierra Cascade Logging Conference in Redding, a town of 90,000 about 160 miles north of the state capital. The media were barred from the event, but The Associated Press bought a $74 ticket to attend. Palin said California's heavy regulatory environment makes it difficult for businesses to succeed, a point that is shared by many business leaders in the state... Her comments were well-received by the audience members, many of whom brought copies of her book, Going Rogue, in hopes of getting Palin's signature. A second Palin speech in Redding scheduled for the evening was sold out... Palin said she believes there's a way to harvest timber without damaging the environment but has grown frustrated by environmental activists who want to 'lock up the land'... She defended herself as a conservationist. 'We really do love our trees,' Palin said. 'I named my daughter Willow. Isn't that granola enough for them?'"

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