
Coal State Dems Oppose EPA Action. By Glenn Thrush, Politico, February 19, 2010. "Eight Democratic Senators from coal states are mounting a serious challenge to EPA's landmark ruling that CO2is a pollutant and demanding a delay in enforcing anti-global warming regulations against polluters. In a letter Friday to EPA administrator Lisa Jackson, Sen. John Rockefeller (D-W.V.) requests details on how and when the agency would implement regulations on facilities and asks Jackson to 'suspend EPA regulations for industrial facilities so Congress can consider' comprehensive energy and climate legislation. Rockefeller is drafting a bill to prevent the EPA from moving quickly with a crackdown. The letter comes at a time when Alaska Republican Lisa Murkowski has been seeing support for her own amendment blocking the so-called 'endangerment' finding, which was announced just before the U.N. climate change conference in Copenhagen. Seven other Democratic senators signed on, including Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Robert Byrd of West Virginia, Mark Begich of Alaska, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Carl Levin of Michigan, Claire McCaskill of Missouri and Max Baucus of Montana."

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