
De Boer Reveals New Job Was Lined Up Before Copenhagen Summit. By David Adam, Guardian, February 25, 2010. "The UN's top climate change official had already lined up a new job before the ill-fated Copenhagen summit that left international talks on global warming in limbo, he said today. Yvo de Boer said he met with KPMG in November to discuss a new role with the accountancy firm, and that he did not have the 'stamina' to continue overseeing efforts to reach a new global climate deal. De Boer announced his resignation as executive secretary of the UN climate convention last week, prompting speculation he was forced out by politicians unhappy with the Copenhagen outcome. 'This isn't the sort of job you get in six weeks after Copenhagen,' said de Boer of his new position. 'When Copenhagen failed to deliver what I had hoped, I thought maybe I should put it on ice and stick around for a while to see it through. But it could take another two years... and I don't think I've got the stamina.' He said the job had put his personal life under strain. 'This is the best job in the world but you shouldn't try to do it for too long, especially if you are married and you want your wife and children to recognise you.' His replacement should perhaps be drawn from a developing nation, he said."

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