
Developers Lament Loss of Federal Wind Subsidies in Canada. By Lars Kroldrup, NYTimes, March 10, 2010. "The Canadian Wind Energy Association is expressing disappointment with the federal government's recent decision not to expand or extend the so-called ecoEnergy program -- which delivered subsidies to renewable energy developers -- in its new budget. According to the association, the program has been a success, and without it, Canada's ability to compete with American developers in the renewables sector is jeopardized. 'The failure to extend and expand the ecoEnergy program will slow wind energy development and reduce our ability to compete with the United States for investment and jobs at a critical time in our economic recovery,' the group's president, Robert Hornung, said in a statement. Mr. Hornung's group suggests that the Canadian government is backpedaling on its robust clean-energy endeavors in order to harmonize climate change and clean energy policies with those currently evolving in United States."

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