
Four Dams on Klamath River Set for Removal. By Kristina Shevory, NYTimes, February 19, 2010. "Four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River in Oregon and Northern California will be removed under an agreement [PDF, 14 pp] that ends decades of fighting between fishermen, farmers, environmental and Native American groups over water and fishing rights. On February 18, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the chief executive of the utility PacifiCorp, Greg Abel, and three Native American tribes inked two agreements outlining the dismantling of the dams, the restoration of 350 miles of the Klamath River and water-sharing rights between farms and fish. 'The Klamath River, which for years was synonymous with controversy, is now a stunning example of how cooperation and partnership can resolve difficult conflicts,' said Mr. Salazar in a statement. The Klamath River has been the site of intense fighting between farmers for more water and fishermen for improved fishing rights. In 2001, irrigation water was turned off to save salmon during a drought. When the water was restored, thousands of salmon died. Critics contend that the dams block salmon and promote disease because they raise the water temperature. The four dams -- three in Oregon and one in California -- are owned by PacifiCorp and are used to generate electricity for both states. The first dam will be removed in 2020, with the remaining three following as soon as possible. Their removal, however, hinges on Congressional approval and the Department of the Interior's environmental review. By March 2012, the department must decide whether the dams' removal is in the best interest of the public and would restore salmon to the basin."

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