
Sarkozy Urges World to Embrace Nuclear Power. By Jean-Louis de la Vaissiere, AFP, March 8, 2010. "France urged international financial bodies to finance a new era of global nuclear power on Monday and pitched its own reactor technology as the model to follow. Welcoming delegates from 60 energy-hungry nations to a conference in Paris, President Nicolas Sarkozy said civil nuclear power had been unfairly passed over for World Bank development loans. He called on world and regional financial bodies to finance new nuclear projects in developing countries, and announced that France would set up an international institute to promote atomic technology. 'I can't understand why nuclear power is ostracized by international finance, it's the stuff of scandal,' he said, urging the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and others to do more. While Paris insists the two-day conference is not a trade show for French reactors, Sarkozy made it clear he expects France to play a leading role in the spread of nuclear technology. In a speech hosted by the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Sarkozy announced a new body to group "France's best teachers and researchers" in nuclear technology."

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