Sen. Inhofe Tries to Expose 'Climategate'. By Amanda Little, Grist, February 25, 2010."Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) didn't get as much attention as he might have hoped for during his December visit to Copenhagen to denounce climate treaty negotiations, but he tried to reclaim the stage this week during a Senate hearing that addressed EPA's efforts to regulate greenhouse gases. He argued that 'the science of the IPCC... has been totally discredited' and unveiled an 84-page report titled 'Consensus' Exposed: The CRU Controversy [PDF, 84 pp]. 'It's a report on the scandal that has become known as Climategate,' he explained. 'Many of [the world's leading climate] scientists have manipulated data to fit preconceived conclusions... They cooked the science.' Inhofe's report even suggested that some climate scientists 'may have violated federal laws.' (Watch his hearing statement here, 7:37 min.)"

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