Two Oil Field Companies Acknowledge Fracking With Diesel. By Mike Soraghan, ClimateWire, February 19, 2010. "Two of the world's largest oil-field services companies have acknowledged to Congress that they used diesel in hydraulic fracturing after telling federal regulators they would stop injecting the fuel near underground water supplies. Halliburton and BJ Services acknowledged to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in January 2008 that they had used diesel in the controversial process... BJ Services acknowledged it had violated a December 2003 'memorandum of agreement' that it and other companies signed with U.S. EPA agreeing to limit the amount of diesel they use in fracturing... Halliburton reported using fluids containing diesel fuel from 2005 to 2007 to fracture oil and gas wells in 15 states. Specifically, Halliburton reported using more than 807,000 gallons of seven diesel-based fluids over the three-year period."

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