
Wal-Mart Announces Sustainability Initiative. By Ylan Q. Mui, WashPost, February 26, 2010. "Wal-Mart vowed on Thursday to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20 million metric tons across its vast network of suppliers and stores by 2015, part of the retailer's ongoing efforts to become more environmentally friendly. Wal-Mart said the reductions would more than offset the anticipated growth in its carbon footprint over the same period and was equivalent to taking 3.8 million cars off the road for a year. The cuts would be made throughout its supply chain, from manufacturing to transportation to the sales floor... Wal-Mart said it would initially focus on several hundred suppliers and products with the highest carbon footprints. Matt Kistler, senior vice president of sustainability, said that includes reducing transportation emissions and waste for fresh foods and could mean developing new clothing materials that require less energy to clean. The company also announced changes to DVD packages that used less plastic and made them weigh less."

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