
Will Ballot Initiative Overturn California's Climate Law? By Margot Roosevelt, LATimes, April 19, 2010. "The battle to delay enforcement of California's sweeping global warming law, the toughest in the nation, is heating up. Oil companies -- along with an obscure Missouri conservative action group -- injected a new infusion of cash into signature gathering for a November ballot initiative -- reporting the contributions late Friday night to the California secretary of State. That brought the total behind the initiative to $1.9 million so far. Los Angeles-based Occidental Petroleum came on board with $300,000 to battle AB 32. Meanwhile, San Francisco's Green Tech Action Fund, an offshoot of the nonprofit Energy Foundation, cut a check for $500,000. Along with contributions from the Environmental Defense Fund and the Natural Resources Defense Fund, that brought the total spent so far to fight the initiative to $637,500. Google, Applied Materials, and the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, representing the tech industry, have signed pledge cards to join the campaign against the initiative."

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