President Obama's Climate 'Plan B' in Hot Water. By Darren Samuelsohn, Politico, August 2, 2010. "President Barack Obama's 'Plan B' for tackling global warming is under attack in the courts and on Capitol Hill. Through federal lawsuits, two conservative attorneys general, a major coal company and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are leading the charge to overturn the Environmental Protection Agency's ability to write its own climate rules. Key coal-state Democrats and nearly all Republicans are also unified in their bid to slow down the EPA via legislation -- and they're determined to force a series of votes on the issue before the next big suite of rules start kicking in next January... The EPA took its first big step in the spring when it unveiled new climate-themed standards for motor vehicles, the byproduct of several years of legal wrangling and closed-door negotiations with industry, states and environmentalists. More rules will come in January for power plants and other major stationary sources. And the EPA is also trying to limit the reach of its future rules on smaller industrial sources by issuing a so-called tailoring rule that sets minimum emission thresholds before any standards would kick in."

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