
Wind Farm Installations Fall 69% Since 2009. By Laurence Hammack, Roanoke Times, July 26, 2010. "Wind farm installations in the United States have decreased by 69 percent so far this year from last year, and by 54% since 2008, according to the American Wind Energy Association. 'We are in a critical spot right now,' said Elizabeth Salerno, director of industry data and analysis for the association. 'It's sort of a do-or-die moment for the industry.' She said a struggling economy is one reason why investors have grown more reluctant to put money in projects like the Highland County wind farm, which has an estimated $80 million price tag... The seasons have changed four times since construction began on Virginia's first wind farm, and there's still no sign of the 400-foot windmills planned for the top of a Highland County ridge."

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