California's Largest Solar Photovoltaic Plant to Start Construction. By Tiffany Hsu, LATimes, September 24, 2010. "Southern California has gotten the bulk of the solar industry's attention lately. But photovoltaic activity is about to kick up farther north as a project set to become the largest of its kind in California readies for construction in the Central Valley. NGR Solar, partnering with Eurus Energy America Corp., is about to launch on a 45-megawatt project in Kings County. Split into three parts, the 20-megawatt Sun City portion and the 19-megawatt Sand Drag section will start going up by the end of September, while the final Avenal Park piece will follow in about a month. NRG, a subsidiary of NRG Energy Inc. of Princeton, N.J., owns the state's previous record-holder -- a 21-megawatt facility in Blythe, CA. The incoming installation is expected to produce enough power to meet the energy needs of 36,000 homes."

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