Oil Sands Project in Utah Facing Legal Appeal.SolveClimate News, September 24, 2010. "A plan to strip-mine oil sands crude on U.S. land for the first time in northeastern Utah is facing legal challenge… A pair of local environmental groups are working to overturn a decision earlier this month by John Baza, director of the Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining (UDOGM). He upheld a permit approval for a 62-acre mine in the remote Uinta Basin of the Colorado Plateau. Should the legal option fail, the groups said they are determined to block the project -- by whatever 'peaceful' means. 'We're not willing to accept it,' Tim DeChristopher, founder of the Salt Lake City-based environmental group Peaceful Uprising, told SolveClimate News. 'If it means we have to blockade the site, we'll do what we have to do.' Peaceful Uprising and Living Rivers, a non-profit based in Moab, said they have 10 days from September 17 to appeal to the UDOGM board, and are now working to determine the legal grounds."

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