Australia's Prime Minister Launches New Bid to Price Carbon. By Amy Coopes, AFP, 9/27/10. "Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard Monday launched a new push to charge for carbon pollution after being punished for a perceived failure to tackle environmental issues during recent elections. Gillard… said she would personally chair a cross-party committee to study ways of slashing greenhouse gases. 'As a government we have consistently said that in order to tackle climate change… we need to put a price on carbon,' Gillard told reporters. 'A carbon price will create an incentive to reduce emissions, drive investment in renewable and low emissions technologies, create certainty for business investment and begin the adjustment of our economy to a cleaner energy future.' Gillard, Australia's first female leader, said the committee would examine ways of penalizing carbon production, including an emission trading scheme, a carbon tax or a hybrid of both."

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