Californians Opposing Prop. 23 Gaining the Upper Hand. By Peter Henderson, Reuters, 10/22/10. “Californians lean against ballot Proposition 23 to suspend the state's landmark climate change law, a new poll showed on Thursday, after a week when donations by founders of Microsoft Corp and Google Inc and other technology executives poured in against the measure. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, Google co-founder Sergey Brin, Intel Corp co-founder Gordon Moore, Avatar filmmaker James Cameron, and the National Wildlife Federation in the last week donated millions to defeat California Proposition 23, state campaign finance records show. The proposition would put on hold a state renewable energy target, a market for rights to trade greenhouse gases and many other steps adopted under the state's AB 32 climate change law. Its fate is seen as key for California's green business climate and a bellwether for the United States. The Public Policy Institute of California poll found 48% of likely voters oppose Proposition 23 and 37% support it. Some 15% did not know.”

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