Chinese Policy Expert Argues for Carbon Tax. By Meng Si, ChinaDialogue, 10/15/10. “Jiang Kejun, senior researcher at [China’s] National Development Reform and Commission’s Energy Research Institute, [argues] that a carbon tax in China would be a blessing -- it would not increase the overall tax burden, and would even boost GDP growth… ‘The overall tax burden is very high, but a carbon tax could be revenue-neutral. This means increases are offset by reductions elsewhere, so that total revenue doesn’t change. If we collect 100 billion yuan (US$15 billion) in carbon taxes, we cut 100 billion of other taxes -- that’s easily done… China shouldn’t pay too much attention to the international talks as it responds to climate change. By 2030, China is going to be the leader of the world, whether it wants to be or not. By that point, China is sure to be ahead in technology as well as other areas. We need to make China a competitive nation and a carbon tax -- or taxes that are targeted at adjusting the economic structure -- are an effective route to doing that. We should implement them as soon as possible.”

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