Climate Change Hotly Debated in Colorado Senate Race. By Scott Streater, Greenwire, 10/7/10. “Tea party politics has caught fire in Colorado, where Sen. Michael Bennet (D), the Democratic successor to former senator and now-Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, is being pushed to the brink by GOP challenger and tea party favorite Ken Buck. Bennet, a Yale-educated lawyer who has never won elected office -- he was appointed by Gov. Bill Ritter (D) to finish Salazar's Senate term -- believes the government must act aggressively to reduce greenhouse gases and drive the expansion of renewable energy through tax subsidies and the use of federal land. Such positions, which largely mirror the Obama administration's policies, stand in stark contrast to Buck's small government, and some say anti-environmental, rhetoric. Among other things, Buck has openly challenged the science behind global climate change and believes the federal government should keep out of state energy policies.”

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