
EPA Ponders How to Rate Fuel Economy of Electric Cars. NYTimes, 10/15/10. “About two months before two new plug-in cars go on sale in the United States, the federal government is struggling with how to rate the fuel economy of mass-market plug-in vehicles… Providing the customary city and highway miles-per-gallon information would make little sense for the [Chevy] Volt, which can drive 25 to 50 miles on battery power before its gas engine kicks on, and even less so for the [Nissan] Leaf, which is powered by only a rechargeable battery. Cathy Milbourn, a spokeswoman for the E.P.A., declined to specify a date when the new ratings might be released, saying only that they would come ‘shortly.’ The Volt and Leaf must be rated by the E.P.A. and have those ratings shown on window labels before they are sold.”

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