
EPA to OK Higher Ethanol-Gas Blends. By Robin Bravender, Politico, 10/12/10. “The Obama administration will approve a boost in gasoline’s ethanol content for new cars on Wednesday, in a partial victory for supporters of the corn-based fuel. The Environmental Protection Agency is expected to issue its long-awaited decision on a petition from the ethanol industry, which wants to raise the amount of ethanol allowed in gasoline to 15% from the current 10%. EPA will approve the use of gasoline with 15% ethanol (E15) for new vehicles built in model year 2007 and after… but will reject the request to raise the ethanol content for vehicles manufactured before 2001 and for off-road machinery. The agency is expected to hold off on a decision on cars for model years 2001-2006 until later this year…

“An unusual coalition composed of oil industry groups, environmentalists, food manufacturers and others has lobbied EPA to delay its decision based on concerns about safety, the environmental effects of boosted ethanol production, and fears of rising food costs. The ethanol industry and its backers, meanwhile, are expected to applaud EPA’s decision on new vehicles, but will likely prod the agency to allow its use in older vehicles. Growth Energy, the ethanol trade group that filed the petition seeking the waiver, has said the higher ethanol blend is safe for all cars.”

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