German Cabinet Approves Extension of Country's 17 Nuclear Reactors. By Tristana Moore, Time, 9/29/10. "Going against massive public opposition, the German cabinet on Tuesday gave the green light to extend the nation's use of nuclear power. Hailing the move earlier as a 'revolution,' Chancellor Angela Merkel claimed that nuclear power will serve as a 'bridge technology,' in order to give Germany more time to expand its production of renewable energy sources. But it could also give Merkel a headache, as the proposed extension sets the government on a collision course with political parties, environmental groups and the public. If the proposal is approved by the German legislature, the operating life of Germany's 17 nuclear reactors would be extended by an average of 12 years beyond its originally planned phase-out. The reactors were due to be closed by 2022, according to a previous agreement hammered out almost a decade ago by a coalition of Social Democrats and Greens. Now, the nuclear power plants would be allowed to run until 2036, though some experts predict the reactors will stay open even longer."

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