
Gov't Looking at 62 MPG Goal for 2025 Autos. By Ken Thomas, AP, 10/1/10. "The government on Friday presented the potential range it is considering for fuel efficiency standards for new cars and trucks starting in 2017. The Transportation Department and Environmental Protection Agency said the fleet of new vehicles may need to meet a standard set somewhere from 47 mpg to 62 mpg by 2025. The mileage gains would be the equivalent of an annual decrease in carbon dioxide emissions per mile of 3 to 6%. After little progress during the past three decades, rules adopted earlier this year will lift the new vehicle fleet average to 35.5 mpg by 2016, an increase of more than 40% over current standards. The administration's announcement Friday is just a beginning in the work on mileage standards for the 2017-2025 model years. The government intends to issue a proposal in September 2011 and a final rule by late July 2012."

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