
Grist to Host Live Online ‘Chat’ with New Yorker Reporter Ryan Lizza on ‘Climate Change in the Senate’. Posted by David Roberts, Grist, 10/12/10. “This month, The New Yorker ran an extraordinary 10,000-word piece by reporter Ryan Lizza detailing the climate bill's slow and inglorious failure in the U.S. Senate. It was a feat of inside reporting, meaty enough to support dozens of follow-on posts dissecting and illuminating it. I myself wrote no less than five posts spinning off Lizza's story… I'm very pleased to report that Lizza will be stopping by for a chat with Grist readers and me on Thursday at 2 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m. Pacific. I'll be moderating and selecting questions. If you've got questions for Lizza about the piece or climate politics, leave them in comments. And come back to this page on Thursday to log in and join the chat, which will be right here.”

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