
Montana's Glacier National Park Will Soon be Glacier-Free. By Jessica Ellis, CNN, 10/7/10. “As recently as 100 years ago, Montana's Glacier National Park had more than 150 glaciers throughout its more than one million acres. In 2005 only 27 remained. Today the total is down to a just 25 and those that are left are mere remnants of their former frozen selves. With warmer temperatures and changes to the water cycle, scientists predict Glacier National Park will be glacier-free by 2030. Daniel Fagre, a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) ecologist who works at the national park believes that even those estimates are too conservative and says the park's namesakes will be gone about ten years ahead of their predicted demise. ‘The glaciers have been around for the last seven thousand years,’ he told CNN, ‘and if we are going to lose them in the next 10 or 20 years that is a pretty radical shift.’"

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