Rep. Fred Upton, a Moderate Michigan Republican, Could Have Key House Leadership Role in Climate Legislation. By Robin Bravender, Politico, 10/19/10. “Top House Republicans are prepared to give the gavel to Michigan moderate Rep. Fred Upton if the chamber flips, but leadership is seeking to keep a hand on the reins by helping to hire his staff director, according to lobbyists familiar with the negotiations. Upton appears to have fended off more dogmatic contenders for the post -- including former Chairman Joe Barton of Texas and Rep. John Shimkus of Illinois -- but leadership is going to ‘watch very closely who gets picked as staff director,’ said an energy lobbyist close to the discussions… The Energy and Commerce Committee stands to be the platform for key debates next year on the health care law, global warming... Upton has broken with his party on some key issues; he supported Democrats’ efforts to expand health insurance to children from low-income families, voted to expand federal spending on federal embryonic stem cell research and supported a boost to the federal minimum wage. Still, Upton toed the GOP line opposing major Obama administration initiatives. He has vowed to support legislation that would repeal the health care overhaul and staunchly opposed the cap-and-trade bill that passed the House in 2009, although he says he supports initiatives to combat climate change.”

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