
After Tough Year, Salazar Brand May Be Tarnished. By Sarah Abruzzese, Greenwire, 12/1/10. “In a tidal wave year in which Democrats gave up at least 63 House seats, Salazar's loss in a conservative-leaning district is not especially surprising; although the congressman put up a fight, he received 46% of the vote while his Republican challenger, Scott Tipton, received 50%… Salazar's defeat caps a difficult year for the politically powerful family. His younger brother, Ken Salazar -- a former Colorado senator and state attorney general -- has been the target of harsh criticism from all corners for his handling of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill as secretary of the Interior Department. This election cycle, outside groups spent a few million dollars trying to defeat John Salazar, who had won his two previous re-election campaigns with relative ease.”

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