For Russia, Global Warming Benefits 'Outweigh' Negatives. By Natalya Krainova, Moscow Times, 12/2/10. “Even permafrost will retreat thanks to global warming, but not this week. Global warming in the next 40 years will allow Russian authorities to save on central heating, increase agricultural production and extend sea navigation in the north, a leading Russian climatologist told a Russian-German conference recently. But authorities will have to fork out money to reconstruct several big Siberian and Far Eastern cities to prevent them from collapsing as a result of a warmer climate, Vladimir Klimenko, head of Laboratory of Global Power Engineering Problems at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute told the conference co-organized by Alexander von Humbolt Foundation. However, ‘the reduction of heating alone outweighs all the negative results [of the global warming] by many times,’ Klimenko said. If the money saved through reducing heating ‘is spent sensibly, then something can be achieved,’ he said.”

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