Future Uncertain for White House Energy Post. By Darren Samuelsohn, Politico, 12/6/10. “Would anyone notice if the White House didn't have a special energy and climate office? Carol Browner took charge of the newly-created enclave two years ago and was seen as the leader of an all-star green team. But while her stock has risen with the president, her portfolio has shrunk with the new political reality. Comprehensive climate legislation is dead and won't be coming back for several years. House Republicans are salivating over the chance to investigate global warming science, as well as Obama's use of so-called ‘czars’ like Browner who they claim have unprecedented power over Senate-confirmed agency heads… Although Browner’s ultimate goal -- climate change legislation -- didn’t come to fruition, the White House must consider the symbolic appearance and potential backlash from environmentalists and liberals that would come from shuttering Browner's office, filling the slot with someone who has less stature, or just shifting its portfolios around.”

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