New York Governor Vetoes Bill Curtailing Fracking. By Tom Zeller Jr., NYTimes, 12/11/10. “Gov. David A. Paterson of New York on Dec. 11 vetoed legislation intended to curtail natural gas development using the technique called hydraulic fracturing until a closer review of its effects can be undertaken. Instead, the governor issued an executive order instituting a moratorium that extends until July 1, 2011 -- beyond the date specified in the legislation -- and that more narrowly defines the types of drilling to be restricted. ‘This legislation, which was well intentioned, would have a serious impact on our state if signed into law,’ Mr. Paterson said in a prepared statement... “The legislation, which was passed by the New York State Assembly late last month before being sent to Mr. Paterson for his signature, would have placed a moratorium on issuing new permits for gas drilling that relies on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.”

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