
Blair Issues Climate Plan Aimed at G8 and Post-Kyoto Treaty. Brian Walsh, Time, June 27, 2008. "On Friday in Japan, where the G8 summit of global leaders will convene next week, Blair released a global warming report titled Breaking the Climate Deadlock: A Global Deal for Our Low Carbon Future [PDF, 66 pp] that he'd helped guide with The Climate Group, a London-based environmental NGO. The study plots a roadmap for international climate negotiations between now and the end of 2009, when the world's nations will meet in Copenhagen to hammer out a successor to the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012... global warming is likely to be high on the agenda at the G8, where leaders from the world's biggest economies, along with representatives from major developing nations like China and India, will try to set a long-term goal for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. Speaking in Tokyo, Blair urged world leaders to commit to cutting global carbon emissions 50% by 2050 -- including developing nations, which have no obligations under Kyoto -- and paving the way toward a firm interim target for cuts by developed nations by 2020... Blair seems resolute to meet the climate challenge... 'If you've got children, you want them to grow up in a world that doesn't have catastrophic climate change,' he said."

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