Hansen's Message to the Planet: We Must Tax Carbon. Posted by Charles Komanoff, Grist, June 25, 2008. ":Maybe it was the thought of two decades of climate-crisis exhortation, little more heeded than words shouted at a hurricane. Maybe it was the temporizing of the Democrats and the obstructionism of the GOP. Or it might have been the images of cities, houses and farmland of his native Iowa drowned by the latest '500-year' floods. Perhaps it was all three. Whatever the reasons, the climate crisis' Paul Revere turned it up a few more notches in a speech Tuesday (PDF) at a Congressional staff briefing in Washington D.C. Yet James Hansen's headline-grabbing broadside against Big Oil and Big Coal CEOs may prove less significant than his full-throated advocacy of carbon tax-and-dividend as the highest priority for reducing carbon emissions and abating global warming: 'A price on emissions that cause harm is essential. Yes, a carbon tax.'"

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