DotEarth's Annotation of Gore's Speech. Posted by Andrew C. Revkin, DotEarth, NYTimes, July 17, 2008. "[Al Gore's speech in Washington yesterday]... represents quite a shift from his tight focus on the 'climate crisis' as the great challenge of our time. The prepared text is below. Some Democrats in Congress weren't thrilled with the timing, according to TheHill.com, given the focus now on pain at the pump. In a Times article on the speech... Gore implied that his timetable and targets... were intentionally super-sized: 'I see my role as enlarging the political space in which Senator Obama or Senator McCain can confront this issue as president next year,' [he] said. Both presidential candidates responded [positively but in general terms] to the speech... Let's dive in and explore Mr. Gore's latest proposals on energy and climate through the document annotation method developed her over the last few months."

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