
Environmentalists Join Utilities in Opposing California Renewable Energy Ballot Initiative. By John Wildermuth, SFChron, July 6, 2008. "A November ballot measure to boost the amount of renewable energy generated by California utilities has attracted a wildly diverse group of opponents -- from the Natural Resources Defense Council to the Democratic Party and Pacific Gas and Electric Co... Jim Gonzalez, the former San Francisco supervisor... [is] behind Proposition 7 [CA 2008 ballot measures], Solar and Clean Energy Act of 2008 [PDF, 43 pp]... Peter Sperling, son of John Sperling, the billionaire founder of University of Phoenix and a longtime supporter of liberal causes... already has put $3 million into the initiative campaign... Many [of the environmental groups opposing Prop 7] had been working on energy legislation for years, were never really brought into the initiative effort, said Ralph Cavanaugh of the Natural Resources Defense Council... The initiative sets up such a detailed plan for dealing with renewable energy and siting and building the new, greener power plants that it opens the way for many unintended consequences, Cavanaugh said. Even groups closely involved with renewable energy, such as the Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technology, have lined up against Prop. 7."

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