Fierce Lobbying -- and an Imminent Decision -- on Ethanol Mandates. By David Streitfeld, NYTimes, July 23, 2008. "[Texas] Gov. Rick Perry is asking the EPA to temporarily waive regulations requiring the oil industry to blend ever-increasing amounts of ethanol into gasoline... 'When you find yourself in a hole, you have to quit digging,' Mr. Perry said... His request for an emergency waiver cutting the ethanol mandate to 4.5 billion... from the 9 billion gallons required this year and the 10.5 billion required in 2009, is backed by a coalition of food, livestock and environmental groups. Farmers and ethanol and other biofuel producers are lobbying [against a change]. 'This is a critically important decision that will determine the future of biofuels in this country,' said Brent Erickson, a lobbyist at the Biotechnology Industry Organization, which supports the ethanol mandates. 'There will be a dramatic reaction from whoever loses.' The E.P.A. received 15,000 public comments on the Texas proposal, roughly split between those in favor and those against... An agency spokesman said the E.P.A. can approve the request, deny it or take a middle path. The deadline is Thursday, but the agency says it needs more time to review public comments and formulate a decision."

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