
G-8 Deal on Global Warming Inadequate: UN Environment Chief. AFP, July 9, 2008. "The compromise on global warming struck by the leaders of the Group of Eight industrialised nations is inadequate, [Achim Steiner,] the head of the UN Environment Programme said Wednesday, adding his voice to other criticisms... At their summit in the resort town of Toyako, G8 leaders agreed to 'consider and adopt' the goal of achieving a cut of at least 50 percent in worldwide carbon emissions by 2050, but they made no targeted promise for action in the medium term. 'We are wasting time, the consequences are becoming more and more dramatic, the cost of reversing the global warming trend is greater and greater, and at the same time we are having problems -- particularly in the industrialised countries -- taking great steps forward internationally,' Steiner said. Leading scientists have also said the G8's stance on global warming was too vague and too distant to brake the oncoming juggernaut of climate change."

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