Here Comes the Sun... Eventually. Posted by Eric Savitz, Barron's, July 18, 2008, subscription. "Christopher Blansett, an analyst with J.P. Morgan... says the [solar] industry would start seeing the effects [of Congressional delay on the 30% solar tax credit extension] in the fourth quarter since potential larger commercial solar system installations would likely not be started if they can't be assured to reach completion by the end of the subsidiary period on December 31.... 'Although... [renewal is probable]... near-term demand concern is likely to continue to put investors on edge and solar energy stocks under pressure,' [Blansett] writes... 'Some large projects have already been delayed due to the uncertainty in the federal subsidy'... Other industry players now think that a renewal of the solar tax credit program isn't likely to occur until a new president takes office... which could means a longer period of uncertainty for the industry."

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