More Americans See Warming as Threat to U.S. Security. Posted by Joel Connelly, SeattlePI, July 13, 2008. "A new national poll shows that 41 percent of all Americans, and 44 percent of committed voters, feel that global warming will threaten America's national security if action is not taken. An even larger percentage, 62 percent of those surveyed, believe it is important that the next president initiate strong action to address the causes of climate change soon after taking office. The poll, which surveyed 2,175 U.S. adults, was taken by Harris Interactive during the period of June 25-27. It was done for the Presidential Climate Action Project, a non-profit initiative out of the University of Colorado Denver School of Public Affairs. The survey was taken as the National Intelligence Council issued its first-ever National Intelligence Assessment on the link between global climate change and America's security. It warned of potential global instability, mass migrations of populations, and extreme climate conditions. The survey was taken as the National Intelligence Council issued its first-ever National Intelligence Assessment on the link between global climate change." Climate Issues Tied to U.S. Security. WashPost, June 26, 2008.

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