
Mr. Pickens Goes to Washington. By Vimal Patel, LATimes, July 23, 2008. "On Tuesday, [T. Boone Pickens, 80,] the legendary oil tycoon made his Capitol Hill debut to promote his new cause: using American wind to alleviate the nation's energy crisis and wean itself from dependency on foreign oil. He testified before a Senate committee and held meetings with Democratic leaders, calling on lawmakers to take a stand... It's not a complete turnabout.For instance, he hasn't apologized for funding the infamous Swift Boat attack ads in 2004... But he is spending $58 million to advance what he calls 'the Pickens Plan'... 'The American people have not been asked to do what needs to be done,' he said... Pickens' hedge fund, BP Capital, invests in several natural gas companies, and he sits on the board of Clean Energy Fuels Corp., the continent's largest provider of vehicular natural gas. He is also building a multibillion-dollar wind farm in Texas. But Pickens said his motives are patriotic."

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