
New Jersey Governor and Senators Vow to Fight Offshore Drilling. By Elise Yong, Bergen County Record, July 8, 2008. "Congress must not allow drilling for oil and gas off the New Jersey coast, Governor Corzine and federal legislators said today in Belmar. 'Our world-renowned coastline is the lifeblood of our economy and a fragile environmental treasure,' Corzine said. 'We will fight any attempt to jeopardize it.' Corzine was joined by Democratic U.S. Sens. Frank R. Lautenberg and Robert Menendez and Rep. Frank Pallone Jr. They were speaking to raise awareness of the Clean Ocean and Safe Tourism Anti-Drilling Act, a proposed permanent moratorium on offshore mining. The current ban on drilling, in effect from Maine to North Carolina, will expire in 2012. President Bush and Sen. John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, support overturning the moratorium, in place for 26 years."

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