
Obama Fights Back GOP Attack on Energy. By Jim Kuhnhenn, AP, July 9, 2008. "In his first negative ad of the general election campaign, Democrat Barack Obama said John McCain is 'part of the problem' of high gas prices and tried to parry Republican criticism of his own energy policy. The 30-second commercial is a direct response to a Republican Party ad launched this weekend. The GOP spot -- airing at a cost of $3 million in four states -- accuses Obama of offering no new solutions to solve high gas prices and global warming. Obama's ad will run in the same states where the Republican National Committee placed its ad -- Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, his campaign said. Obama's sharp retort comes as worried voters have made the spiking cost of fuel one of the top issues in the presidential campaign. The ad fight also flared amid evidence that Americans appear to be more receptive to some of McCain's proposed solutions, including increased oil drilling in the United States"

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