
People Need to Take Notice. By Ted Glick, U.S. Climate Emergency Council, June 29, 2008. "Dr. James Hansen is a, if not the, leading climate scientist in the USA and probably the world. When he says, as he did a week ago before a Congressional hearing in Washington, that avoiding catastrophic climate change 'requires a transformative change of direction in Washington in the next year,' people really need to take notice... Many people who understand the urgency of this issue have been unwilling to... take it seriously in their lives, to talk about it and act upon it consistently, day after day after day... We all have an obligation to internalize the seriousness and the priority of the climate crisis and to speak and act accordingly... The most important task right now is do everything we can to bring this issue into the 2008 elections for President and Congress...: No new coal plants, invest in renewables, cap and rapidly reduce carbon pollution, and 5 million green jobs in a sweeping national mobilization for change."

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