
Pope to Youth at International Festival: You are Inheriting a Scarred Plundered Earth. By Philip Pullella, Reuters, July 17, 2008. "Pope Benedict on Thursday... [delivered] his latest appeal to save the planet for future generations... to some 150,000 youths in Sydney... 'Reluctantly we come to acknowledge that there are also scars which mark the surface of our earth, erosion, deforestation, the squandering of the world's mineral and ocean resources in order to fuel an insatiable consumption,' he told the cheering crowd... He told the young people, some of whom had come from island nations threatened by rising sea levels or drought-hit nations such as Australia, that protecting the environment was 'of vital importance to humanity'... The pope also praised Australia for apologizing for past injustices to Aborigines, saying it was a courageous move to repair race relations and offered hope to the rest of the world. [Prime Minister Kevin] Rudd officially apologized to Aborigines in February... The Catholic Church hopes World Youth Day, the brainchild of the late Pope John Paul II, will revitalize the world's young Catholics at a time when the cult of the individual and consumerism has become big distractions in their lives." International Catholic Youth Festival in Australia. WYD2008.org. "World Youth Day (WYD) is the largest youth event in the world and will be held in Sydney from Tuesday 15 to Sunday 20 July 2008. Organized by the Catholic Church, WYD brings together young people from around the globe to celebrate and learn about their faith on a more regular basis."

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