
Book Review: 'Stop Global Warming - Change the World'. Reviewed by Roy Wilkes, ClimateandCapitalism.com, July 29, 2008. Jonathan Neale's new book starts... by explaining the science of climate change and by showing that the technology already exists to prevent it or at least to prevent catastrophic abrupt climate change. Climate change as such is already with us, and hitting the world's poor first and hardest... Ordinary people should not be forced to make sacrifices, an approach which tries to tackle the problem 'at the wrong end of the pipe.' Instead we must build a global mass movement to force through the changes that are needed, particularly in energy production, transport, housing and industry... Among the most illuminating chapters are those dealing with the history of climate politics. The scientists and environmental NGOs performed an invaluable service to the world by warning us about global warming -- now everyone knows. But their political strategy, based entirely on trying to persuade the rich and powerful to act, was fatally flawed. What is needed now is for the social movements, and in particular the unions, to pick up the baton and run with it... Overall this is a wonderful book, a positive and optimistic addition to the arsenal of socialists and climate activists alike. It is written with genuine warmth and humour, and filled with boundless faith in the humanity and decency of ordinary people. Everyone should read this book and read it soon... Change the World ... [is not] available yet outside Britain. But it can be ordered online through the Bookmarks Bookshop in London, or through Amazon UK." [Editor's note: Jonathan Neale, secretary of the UK-based Campaign Against Climate Change, is CCC's major international contact, for the fourth year running, in promoting the International Day of Climate Action, scheduled this year for December 6th.]

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