Both Sides of the Congressional Aisle Heavily Invested in Energy. By Bennett Roth, Houston Chronicle, August 16, 2008. "Even as some members of Congress criticize the oil and gas industry for high gasoline prices and hefty profits, more than 100 lawmakers of both parties have reported financial investments in energy companies worth between $21 million and $57 million. The investments, mainly stocks, are concentrated in the country's largest oil companies, according to analysis... by the Center for Responsive Politics. ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron and ConocoPhillips are the most popular investments... The lawmakers' holdings in ExxonMobil alone were worth between $5 million and $17 million. The attraction to Big Oil is bipartisan. Sixty-two Republicans and 42 Democrats include stocks, bonds and royalties from energy companies in their financial portfolios. The lawmaker with the biggest investment in the industry is Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, the Democratic Party's 2004 presidential candidate who has often attacked energy company profits. Also in the top five is Rep. Kenny Marchant, a Republican from Dallas... Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison ranks fourth among all senators... Among the Houston-area delegation, [Republican] Rep. Michael McCaul tops the list."

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