
California's AG Fights Nestle's Plan to Bottle Pristine Waters. ENS, August 4 2008. "The State of California will challenge the environmental plan for a bottled water plant that Nestle Waters North America intends to build in Siskiyou County if the company does not revise its contract to pump water from the McCloud River, says the state's top lawyer. 'It takes massive quantities of oil to produce plastic water bottles and to ship them in diesel trucks across the United States,' said California Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr. 'Nestle will face swift legal challenge if it does not fully evaluate the environmental impact of diverting millions of gallons of spring water from the McCloud River into billions of plastic water bottles,' Brown warned in a letter to the company July 28... Nestle, the biggest food company in the world, signed a water supply contract with the town of McCloud in 2003, but many residents oppose the deal, which they contend was signed without public participation... The McCloud River is unique among California's larger rivers in that most of its water derives from springs and underground lava aquifers rather than from rainfall or snowfall... Nestle recently indicated that its revised proposal will reduce... the annual water take from 1,600 acre feet per year to 600 acre feet per."

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