Democratic Party Platform Outlines Green Goals. Grist, August 14, 2008. "The Democratic Party released its national platform [Renewing America's Promise, PDF, 55 pp] Thursday ahead of its upcoming convention in Denver. While the health-care section is Hillary-esque, most sections, including those environment- and energy-related, echo the calls that Barack Obama has made throughout his campaign. The section 'New American Energy' declares that Dems will create up to 5 million jobs in the green-energy sector, 'clean up our coal plants,' make the U.S. 50% more energy-efficient by 2030, institute a cap-and-trade program, increase auto fuel efficiency, source 25% of electricity from renewables by 2025, invest in cellulosic ethanol, install a smarter electricity grid, and reduce oil consumption 35% by 2030. In a swipe at Republicans, it notes that 'we can't drill our way to energy independence' and that 'the problem of $4 per gallon gas' will be solved 'with a comprehensive plan and investment in clean energy.' The platform also says that 'man-made' climate change is 'not just an economic issue or an environmental concern' but 'a national security crisis,' requiring a 'global response' including 'binding and enforceable commitments to reducing emissions, especially for those that pollute the most.'"

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